§ 746.3401. Must my child-care center have an annual sanitation inspection?
§ 746.3403. How do I document that a sanitation inspection has been completed?
§ 746.3405. Do I have to make corrections called for in the report?
§ 746.3407. What steps must I take to ensure a healthy environment for children at my child-care center?
§ 746.3413. May I use a dishwasher or washing machine to sanitize items at my child-care center?
§ 746.3415. When must employees wash their hands?
§ 746.3417. When must children wash their hands?
§ 746.3419. How must children and employees wash their hands?
§ 746.3420. May I use hand sanitizer as a substitute for washing hands?
§ 746.3421. How must I wash an infant's hands?
§ 746.3423. Must my child-care center have hot water for hand washing?
§ 746.3425. Must caregivers wear gloves when handling blood or bodily fluids containing blood?
§ 746.3427. Must I use a licensed exterminator to treat my child-care center for insects, rodents, and other pests?
§ 746.3429. Are there general precautions I must take when my child-care center is being treated for insects, rodents, and other pests?
§ 746.3431. May I use water from a private water supply instead of a public water supply for my child-care center?
§ 746.3433. May I use a septic system for sewage disposal?
§ 746.3501. What steps must caregivers follow for diaper changing?
§ 746.3503. What equipment must I have for diaper changing?
§ 746.3505. What must I do to prevent the spread of germs when diapering children?
§ 746.3601. What type of illness would prohibit a child from attending the child-care center?
§ 746.3603. What communicable diseases would exclude a child from attending my child-care center?
§ 746.3605. How must caregivers respond when a child becomes ill?
§ 746.3606. When may a child who was ill return to my child-care center?
§ 746.3607. How must caregivers respond when a child is injured and requires immediate treatment by a health-care professional?
§ 746.3609. What is a vaccine-preventable disease for the purpose of this division?
§ 746.3611. What must a policy for protecting children from vaccine-preventable diseases include?