SECTION 746.3709. May I have toys or other types of equipment that explode or shoot things?

Latest version.
  • A child may not use any type of toy or equipment that explodes or that shoots things, such as caps, BB guns, darts, or fireworks at the child-care center or on field trips. These types of toys and equipment are not allowed at your operation unless your operation is located in your home. If your child-care center is located in your home, you must keep any such toy or equipment in a locked cabinet inaccessible to any child during your hours of operation.

Source Note: The provisions of this §746.3709 adopted to be effective September 1, 2003, 28 TexReg 1402; amended to be effective April 15, 2017, 42 TexReg 1575; transferred effective March 9, 2018, as published in the Texas Register February 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 909